Let me give you another thought concerning how to start a conversation with a lost person. I have found that it is best to have a planned opening question, or round of questions. But you have to be willing to adjust if the conversation goes in a different direction, or if they are unwilling to answer the questions.
This ability to adjust is one of the greatest tools we can have when it comes to evangelism. Notice that Jesus used different approaches, each according to the situation:
- With the woman at the well (Jn 4): Jesus spoke of spiritual things, and challenged her prejudice.
- With Nicodemus (Jn. 3): Jesus used deep theological thoughts and word pictures that challenged his preconceptions.
- With Peter & Andrew, James & John (Mt. 4): He simply invited them to follow Him.
- With the rich young ruler (Mt. 19): Jesus challenged his security system, and the things on which his life was based.
- With the woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8): Jesus rebuked the self-righteous Pharisees and offered mercy and hope to the sinful woman.
Notice also that almost all of these interactions involved Jesus asking questions. We must never adopt a know-it-all attitude. Asking sincere (not just rehearsed) questions will often disarm a person's defenses and create a way for them to open up to us. We need to approach people from a humble position, not from one that says, "I'm better than you."
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